• Member Since 10th Feb, 2016


I just simply like reading fanfictions.

Read It Later 431 stories
Found 358 stories in 60ms

Total Words: 60,321,687
Estimated Reading: 23 weeks



  • Featured 23599 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

A mix of strange circumstances means that Gilda and Gallus are not spending the holidays in Griffonstone
"enjoying," or rather surviving, the Blue Moon Festival. Instead, they are in Equestria for Hearth's Warming. Can Gilda put her griffon grump aside to enjoy a more wholesome holiday? Maybe she can with Gallus's help.

Written for Teofilo for Jinglemas 2023

At Teofilio's request, Gilda and Gallus are step-siblings in this story.

Chapters (1)

"Sometimes in life you get the whole story, beginning, middle, and end. More often though you just get a flash."

Flash fics set in the Reflection-verse, using
prompts based on Loganberry's Flashfic group

Pre-read and edited by Gravelordnito.

Edit: Now part of the Reflection-Verse Group

Chapters (28)

When Ditzy Doo loses her job at Cloudsdale Mail and Freight, she gets a job at another shipping company... only to find out their definition of shipping has nothing to do with delivering packages! Desperate for income to support herself and Dinky, will Ditzy be able to make it as a pony matchmaker?

(Occurs between Seasons 2 and 3 of the show.)

Chapters (19)

Despite Princess Luna being rescued from the cruel embrace of Nightmare Moon and returned to her sister’s loving side, there is a dark secret of death and betrayal lurking in the moon’s shadow. Soon it will threaten the Royal Sisters’ reunion and ignite the flames of their deadly conflict again, unless a mere child can show them the way.

The last Nightguard is coming. Nothing will stop him until his nemesis is destroyed, not even death.

Fantastic cover art by Harwick
Now featured on Equestria Daily

Editors include: Tek, Irrespective

Chapters (25)

After having told the world's funniest joke, Pinkie Pie ascends to alicornhood. Discord is less than pleased by this.

This was a request for a supporter, and was viewable earlier for said supporter. Head over here or here if you want a request for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (1)

Adam Merkur believed he could not obtain any form of success on Earth, so he accepts a deal from Discord: To be sent to Equestria as the next Lord of Chaos.

However, running from your problems always has its' consequence. Now Adam is in a world that sees him as a villain, trapped in a body he hates, and stuck with a dark destiny. Can Adam achieve the success he desires, moreover, what is 'success' to him now?

All art is made by me.
Begins during Season 3 Ep. 10.

Chapters (18)

Everypony knows the Hearth’s Warming Eve tale of tribal unity and the shared rule which followed. Everypony also knows that alicorns - singular or dual - have sat on Equestria’s throne for well over a thousand years.

Very few have really looked in to what actually happened between those points.

Even Twilight Sparkle, until a chance encounter leads her to an alarming discovery: Neither she, nor any other alicorn, has actually held any legal right to Equestria’s throne. They are technically usurpers, autocrats - even tyrants.

Still struggling with her own personal rule, having the fundamental basis for her authority swept from beneath her leaves Twilight with one simple, yet impossible question: 

Now what?

Many thanks to Commawriter and Kirtai for pre-reading!

Cover image was edited by Vinylshadow. They deserve all credit for it!

Chapters (6)

Life at Crystal Prep is tough, but so is Sunset. The school demands the best from the best, and she’s happy to prove she’s the cream of the crop. Having an amazing girlfriend doesn’t hurt either.

Even if thinking too hard about that girlfriend does.

An entry in the Sunset x Villains Crystal Prep contest, Sci-Fi Contest III, and RockstarRaccoon’s final Crackfic Storm. Mostly to see if I could. Rated Teen for brief mentions of assorted work-safe bodily fluids.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck has decided to move to Ponyville to be with her two sisters. Fed up with city life, she is ready to kick back and enjoy the slow and calm countryside life.

There's just a tiny problem with the house she's looking at buying. It's nothing though. It's really nothing. There's just a lot of closet space — too much closet space.

Is she just overreacting, or is it actually weird to have an endless void in your closet?

Featured 1/15/24 — 1/17/24

Cover art from the MLP CCG — Canterlot Nights #79.

Chapters (1)

Twilight becomes alicorn of the stars. This is sort of a problem, because Luna kind of already was alicorn of the stars. Oops!

TV Tropes

Chapters (23)